Rachael Kuintzle*, PhD is a Denver-based author, educator, scientist, and labor & tenant organizer. She received her PhD in biochemistry & molecular biophysics from Caltech in 2023, and has degrees in biochemistry from the University of California, Santa Barbara (BS '11) and biochemistry & biophysics from Oregon State University (MS '16). She is the founder and former co-chair of the Graduate Student Action Network, which led the Oct 6, 2022 National Day of Student Action for Reproductive Justice in collaboration with the Young Democratic Socialists of America. She has been an interview guest or panelist on youth organizing and graduate student labor issues at the Day Without Us National Teach-In, Deutsche Welle News Hangout, and Times Higher Education (THE) Campus Live - US, and is featured in articles by ABC News, Jacobin, The Nation, Inside Higher Ed, Teen Vogue, and more. She is the founder of Caltech’s creative writing club, TechLit, and editor-in-chief of Caltech’s first fiction anthology, Inner Space and Outer Thoughts: Speculative Fiction From Caltech and JPL Authors. Rachael is currently writing her debut YA sci-fi novel, The Ghosts of Gadolin, with coauthor Samuel Clamons, PhD.
*Kuintzle is pronounced 'Kencil' (like 'pencil' with a k).